Pleased to Meet You…

Welcome to my blog about soaps, of which I have been an avid fan since I was a child.  I am an aspiring writer of fiction and non-fiction and I admire and aspire to the creative work that is produced on soap operas. Plus I love a bit of drama!

For twenty two years, I have battled multiple chronic pain conditions, which has given me a lot of time to write – and appreciate soap operas! But every day I am working hard to becoming one step closer to being well again.  I am determined never to lose hope, not to slack and not to complain.  I always want to look to the future.

I came out as gay when I was seventeen years old pretty much in the same week as I became a Christian.  I don’t like to do things the easy way!  Thankfully, I was able to leave the church I was attending who weren’t really a fan of the gays and I became a member of a much more inclusive church, where I was able to flourish in my spirituality and I made friends I will keep for the rest of my life.

From there I went to The University of Sussex and obtained a 2:1 in English Literature.  Also in my previous life, I was a PA.  I was even crowned Admin Queen (I was given an actual crown made of cardboard and paperclips!)  Currently, I am a happy housewife, Mum to two very demanding cats.  I am very committed to my family, both blood related and my in-laws.

I currently live in a lovely little two bedroom flat with my amazing wife (and two demanding cats), next door to my mother, in the same apartment complex I lived in as a teenager, by the sea in Hastings.